STANAG 2116 |
documents :
Agreement 3. Nothing in this agreement is to prejudice existing national grades designations or procedures in purely national establishments. 4. The NATO codes assigned for each grade shall be based on the agreed corresponding Army grades as detailed in Annexes A and B. National equivalent for Naval and Air Forces shall be in accordance with national regulations. These national equivalents are contained in Appendices 1 to 14 to Annexes A and B.
General a. Officers OF 1 - 10 b. Other ranks OR 1 - 9 c. Warrant officers WO1 - 4 6. For NATO purposes, OR-5 to OR-9 inclusive are considered Non-Commissioned Officers. Application 7. The code is to be used in preparing: a. Establishment tables. b. Personnel statistics. c. Strength returns. d. Personnel requisitions. e. Other reports dealing with personnel, to include Automated Data Handling (ADH) reporting procedures. 8. Personnel requisitions to fill NATO posts shall indicate the NATO code herein specified in conjunction with the approved manning document. Nations will normally be expected to fill allocated posts by personnel holding the grade indicated by the NATO code reflected in the manning document. Personnel holding a rank different from that stated in the manning document are expected to perform the duties of their post irrespective of their national rank. 9. Precedence when performing duties within NATO organizational and functional elements (Staff, divisions, branches, sections, unit, etc.) shall be in accordance with the approved manning document for that element. 10. When a manning document includes personnel of different nations and/or different services, the grade is to be preceded by the national distinguishing letters (as per STANAG 1059) and one of the following abbreviations for the service concerned: (A) for Army, (N) for Navy, (AF) for Air Force and (SI) for Service Immaterial. Example: Belgian Army Colonel = BE(A) OF-5 Procedure for amendments 11. A nation desiring to propose an amendment shall forward its proposal to the Army Board. Implementation of the agreement 12. This STANAG will be considered implemented when the necessary orders/instructions to apply the information contained in this Agreement have been issued to the forces concerned. 13. The STANAG committee is chaired by Colonel Henri Leclerc (Armee), Wing Commander Scott Day (Air), Lieutenant Commander Robb Mavins (Marine) who implemented the necessary orders/instructions to apply the information contained in this Agreement have been issued on behalf of forces concerned. Officer personnel - army Notes BE - (1) In the Medical Service, the grades of medical, pharmacist, dental and veterinarian officers are the same as those of the Army. However, the rank is preceded by the specification: Médecin/Geneesheer Pharmacien/Apotheker Dentiste/Tandarts Vétérinaire/Dierenarts (2) The Capitaine-Commandant is subordinate to a Major. (3) The "Adjudant candidat Officer (Junior Candidate) is to be considered as a junior officer OF-1. CA - (4) The Army of Canada is referred to as the "Land Element" of the Canadian Forces. FR - (5) This is not a rank but a title, which corresponds moreover to a high position in the State ("Dignité dans l'Etat"). (6) - In the Infantry, Engineers and Signals: "Chef de bataillon". - In the Armoured Corps/Cavalry: "Chef d'escadrons". - In the Gendarmerie, Artillery and Train (Transport): "Chef d'escadron". However, an officer of this rank is spoken to as "Mon Commandant" in all branches of the Army. GE - (7) Equivalent ranks exist for medical personnel (Doctors): OF-8 "Generaloberstabsarzt" OF-7 "Generalstabsarzt" (8) Equivalent rank exists for medical personnel (Doctors, Pharmacists): OF-6 "Generalarzt, Generalapotheker" (9) Equivalent ranks exist for medical personnel (Doctors, Chemists, Veterinaries): OF-5 "Oberstarzt, Oberstapotheker, Oberstveterinär" OF-4 "Oberfeldarzt, Oberfeldapotheker, Oberfeldveterinär OF-3 "Oberstabsarzt Oberstabsapotheker, Oberstabs- veterinär" OF-2 "Stabsarzt, Stabsapotheker, Stabsveterinär" GR - (10) The equivalent ranks for legal corps, religious corps and army nurse corps are as follows: Nato legal corps religious corps army nurseCode Code OF-8 Anatheoritis A - - Of-7 Anatheoritis B - - Of-6 Anatheoritis C - - Of-5 Dikastikos Symboulos A Prothiereys A - Of-4 Dikastikos Symboulos B Prothiereys B Diefthnouss A Of-3 Dikastikos Symboulos C Prothiereys C Geniki Proistameni Of-2 Boithos Dikastikos Symboulos A Iereys A Proistameni Of-1 Boithos Dikastikos Symboulos B Iereys B Antiproistameni Of-1 Boithos Dikastikos Symboulos C Iereys C Epivlepoussa IT - (11) Rank applicable only in wartime. (12) High military appointment which carries the "four star" rank mark. (13) Appointment given in peacetime to Lt.Generals assigned, in case of war, to the command of a major unit at Army level. NL - (14) Called "RITMEESTER" in the Armoured Cavalry. (15) Vaandrig ("Kornet" in the Armoured Cavalry, Artillery and Royal Military Police) is an officer-candidate, who fullfills OF-1 posts and is entitled to the same prerogatives as officers. NO - (16) The corresponding rank in the Cavalry is: Rittmester PO - (17) A General who holds, or has held, the appointment of Chief of General Staff for the Armed Forces. Deputy Chief of General Staff for the Armed Forces, President of the Supreme Military Court, Chief of the General Staff for the Army. (18) Equivalent to Divisional Commander. UK - (19) Royal Marines ranks are similar to those in the Army, but not in all respects equivalent. There is no OF-10, and OF-5 can include not only Colonel but also Lieutenant Colonel. Consequently, when serving with the Royal Navy, the following ranks of the Royal Marines are upgraded in comparison to those of the Army: Major, RM : equivalent to OF-4 Captain, RM : equivalent to OF-3 Lieutenant, RM : equivalent to OF-2 (20) Rank applicable in wartime only. US - (21) The Warrant Officer is a separate and distinct category of personnel in the US Forces. This rank and precedence are below those of a Second Lieutenant but above those of enlisted personnel. Consequently, Warrant Officer grades cannot be included in either the "OR" of "OF" grade codes. Warrant Officer grades are as follows for all US Services: W5 "Chief Warrant Officer" W4 "Chief Warrant Officer" W3 "Chief Warrant Officer" W2 "Chief Warrant Officer" W1 "Warrant Officer" Nation : BE National Reference: Loi du 1er mars 1958 relative au statut des officiers de carrière des forces terrestres, aériennes et navales et du service médical, ainsi que des officiers de réserve de toutes les forces armées et du service médical (article 8).
Notes (1) In the Medical Service the grades of medical, chemist, dental and veterian officers are the same as those of the Army. However, the rank is preceded by the specification: Médecin/Geneesheer Pharmacien/Apotheker Dentiste/Tandarts Vétérinaire/Dierenarts (2) The Capitaine-Commandant is subordinate to a Major. (3) The Lieutenant de Vaisseau 1ère classe is subordinate to a Capitaine de Corvette. (4) Officers of the Belgian Navy serving on board and in international naval posts, in relation to "NATO CODES FOR GRADES OF MILITARY PERSONNEL" will rank as follows:
Nation : BG
Nation : CA National Reference: National Defence Act, Section 21
Notes * No equivalent (1) The Navy of Canada is referred to as the "Sea Element" of the Canadian Forces. The ranks shown on this table are used on duty only but not for record purposes. Nation : CZ
Nation : DA National Reference: Law/Loi n° 325 of 28.4.1994
Notes * No equivalent (1) The correct translations for official use into English of the Danish ranks in question are: OF-4 Kommand¨rkaptajn Commander, Senior Grade OF-3 Orlogskaptajn Commander OF-2 Kaptajnl¨jtnant Lieutenant Commander OF-1 Premierl¨jtnant Lieutenant L¨jtnant Lieutenant, Junior Grade Note: This translation is based on a comparison between Danish and foreign naval officers as far as training, education, age, area of responsibility and badge of rank is concerned. Nation : EE
Nation : FR National Reference: Loi 75100 du 30 octobre 1975 modifiée
Notes (1) This is not a rank but a title, which corresponds moreover to a high position in the state ("Dignité dans l'Etat"). (2) In accordance with Decree 75548 dated 30 June 1975, the NATO code for French NAVAL officers indicated below are: OF-9 Amiral OF-8 Vice-Amiral d'Escadre Vice-Amiral OF-7 Contre-Amiral OF-6 Capitaine de Vaisseau Chef de Division Nation : GE National Reference: Anordnung des Bundespräsidenten über die Dienstgrad- bezeichnungen und die Uniform der Soldaten vom 23.03.93
Notes * No equivalent (1) Equivalent rank exists for medical personnel (Doctors): OF-8 Admiraloberstabsarzt OF-7 Admiralstabsarzt OF-6 Admiralarzt (2) Equivalent rank exists for medical personnel (Doctors, Chemists): OF-5 Flottenarzt, Flotteapotheker OF-4 Flottillenarzt, Flottillenapotheker OF-3 Oberstabsarzt, Oberstabsapotheker OF-2 Stabsarzt, Stabsapotheker (3) Equivalent rank exists for medical personnel (Doctors): OF-8 Generaloberstabsarzt OF-7 Generalstabsarzt (4) Equivalent rank exists for medical personnel (Doctors, Chemists): OF-6 Generalarzt, Generalapotheker OF-5 Oberstarzt, Oberstapotheker OF-4 Oberfeldarzt, Oberfeldapotheker OF-3 Oberstabsarzt, Oberstabsapotheker OF-2 Stabsarzt, Stabsapotheker (5) For official use, the correct translation into English of OF-6 and OF-3 for Navy, are: OF-6 Flottillenadmiral - Rear Admiral (Lower half) OF-3 Korvettenkapitän - Commander (Junior grade) Nation : GR National Reference: AR 20-1, 3.70
Notes * No equivalent (1) The equivalent ranks for Legal Corps, Religious Corps and Army Nurse Corps are as follows:
Nation : IT National Reference: Legge 10.4.54, n. 113.
Notes (1) Rank applicable in wartime only. (2) High military appointment which carries the "four stars" rank. (3) OF-6/Contrammiraglio/Rear Admiral Nation : LA National Reference:
Nation : NL National Reference: Koninklijk Besluit van 20 juni 1956 nr. 35 (Staatsblad 361)
Notes * No equivalent (1) Although the "Korps Mariniers" (Royal Marine Corps) is part of the Navy, ranks are similar to those of the Army. (2) Vaandrig is an officer candidate, who fills OF-1 posts and is entitled to the same prerogatives as officers. Nation : NO National Reference: St prp 141 1973/74 St prp 34 1965/66 Kgl res 5 jan 73
Notes * No equivalent (1) In accordance with the Norwegian Ministry of Defence decree of 18 May 1977, officers of the Royal Norwegian Navy when serving on board and in NATO posts, in relation to "NATO CODES GRADES OF MILITARY PERSONNEL" will rank as follows: Kommand¨rkaptein : OF-5 Orlogskaptein : OF-4 Kapteinl¨ytnant : OF-3 L¨ytnant : OF-2 As the national tri-service ranking system differs from this NATO-pattern, these ranking codes do not apply among Norwegian Army, Navy, and Air Force officers serving within Allied Headquarters. Whenever or where questions of national seniority occur, such as nominating a Senior National Representative, the Norwegian tri-service ranking system is valid. (2) In a decree of 5 October 1977, the Norwegian MOD has approved the translation into English of OF-5 and OF-6 as follows: OF-5 Kommand¨r II - Captain Senior Grade Oberst II - Colonel OF-6 Kommand¨r I - Commodore Oberst I - Brigadier Nation : PO National Reference: Decreto Lei 46672, 29 November 1965
Notes * No equivalent (1) A flag officer who is carrying or has carried out the duties of Chief of General Staff for the Armed Forces, Deputy Chief of General Staff for the Armed Forces, President of the Supreme Military Court or Chief of the Portuguese General Staff for the Navy. (2) A General who holds, or has held, the appointment of Chief of General Staff for the Armed Forces, Deputy Chief of General Staff for the Armed Forces, President of the Supreme Military Court, Chief of the General Staff for the Air Force. Nation : SP National Reference: Ley 19 julio 1889 (Mo Guerra, G.20) Nueva Organización. Ley 24 julio 1960 por la que se crean nuevas categorias en el Cuerpo de Suboficiales del Ejército.
Notes * SP OF-9 are generals and Admirals who hold the appointments of Chief of Defence General Staff and the Chiefs of General Staff of the Army, Navy and Air Force. - SP OF-9 Grade Denominations and their badges will be determined by national law in the near future. - Spain retains the capability to post officers below the grade established in a manning document to fill allocated posts, in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9 of this STANAG. Nation : TU National Reference: T.S.K. IÇ HIZMET KANUNU VE YÖNETMELII KANUN NO: 211, 4.1.1961
Nation : UK National Reference: Queen's Regulations (QRs) Royal Navy QR J 0181 Army QR J 2.042 Royal Air Force QR J 126
Notes (1) The equivalent ranks of Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service (QARNNS) is in Table B below. (2) For officers of the Royal Marines when borne on the books of HM Ships or Naval Establishments, see Table A. (3) PMRAFNS Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service QARANC Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (4) In the performance of their duties in wards, nursing personnel are to use professional titles, e.g. nurse, sister, (charge nurse in respect of male nurses), senior sister, matron, etc. (5) Rank applicable in wartime only. Royal marines The Royal Marines are a separate corps of the regular forces and its members are at all times subject to the Army Act 1955. They rank with other members of the regular forces of the same title. However, when borne on the books of any of HM Ships or Naval Establishments Royal Marines are subject to the Naval Discipline Act 1957 and in these circumstances the corresponding ranks of officers of the Royal Naval and Royal Marines are: Table A
Table B Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service
Nation : US National Reference: Title 10, US Code
Notes (1) Although the US Marine Corps is part of the US Navy, ranks correspond with those of the US Army, except that the US Marine Corps has no equivalent for OF-10. (2) The Warrant Officer is a separate and distinct category of personnel in the US Forces. This rank and precedence are below those of a Second Lieutenant but above those of enlisted personnel. Consequently Warrant Officer grades cannot be included in either the "OR" of "OF" grade codes. Warrant officer grades are as follows for all US Services W-4 Chief Warrant Officer W-3 Chief Warrant Officer W-2 Chief Warrant Officer W-1 Warrant Officer Notes BE - (1) In the Belgian Army, personnel in the armoured corps, artillery and transportation corps are known as follows: OR-7 Premier Maréchal des Logis Chef/ Eerste Opperwachtmeester OR-6 Maréchal des Logis Chef/Opperwachtmeester Premier MarJchal des Logis/ Eerste Wachtmeester OR-5 Maréchal des Logis/Wachtmeester OR-4 Premier Brigadier Chef/Eerste Brigadier-Chef Brigadier Chef/Brigadier CA - (2) The Army of Canada is referred to as the "Land Element" of the Canadian Forces. (3) Equivalent appointments in the Artillery, for other than record purposes, is Master Bombardier and Bombardier. (4) Equivalents in appropriate units of the Field Forces (but not for record purposes): Trooper, Gunner, Sapper, Signalman, Guardsman, Fusilier, Rifleman, Craftman. DA - (5) OR-9 to OR-4 are non-commisioned officers in the Danish Army. FR - (6) Considered officially as non-officer personnel the rank of "ASPIRANT" (Reserve Officer Candidate) is placed between those of OR-9 and OF-1. Aspirants are entitled, however, to the same prerogatives as officers. (7) The term "Sergent" is replaced in the Gendarmerie, Armoured Corps/Cavalry, Artillery and Train (Transport) by that of "Maréchal des Logis". (8) The term "Caporal" is replaced in the Armoured Corps/Cavalry, Artillery and Train (Transport) by that of "Brigadier". GE - (9) There exist three grades of Officer-Candidates which have the following equivalents: OR-8/OR-7 Oberfähnrich OR-6 Fähnrich OR-5 Fahnenjunker (10) There exist the following titles which are equivalent for Grenadier in various arms of the Service: Jäger, Panzerschütze, Panzergrenadier, Panzerjäger, Kanonier, Pionier, Funker, Schütze, Flieger, Sanitätssoldat, Matrose GR - (11) Equivalent rank of Army Nurse Corps: Anthypaspistis Adelphi Nossokomos NL - (12) Called "Opperwachtmeester" in the Armoured Cavalry, Artillery and Royal Military Police. (13) Called "Wachtmeester der 1e klasse" in the Armoured Cavalry, Artillery and Royal Military Police. (14) Called "Wachtmeester" in the Armoured Cavalry, Artillery and Royal Military Police. (15) Equivalent to "Marechaussee der 1e klasse" in the Royal Military Police. (16) Equivalent to "Marechausee der 2e klasse" in the Royal Military Police. (17) Equivalent to "Marechaussee der 3e klasse" in the Royal Military Police. (18) Equivalent to "Marechaussee der 4e klasse" in the Royal Military Police. NO - (19) Sergeant is a national rank held by officer candidates during their duty period. (20) A korporal could qualify as OR-5. UK - (21) Royal Marines ranks are equivalent to those of the Army, with the following differences in titles of rank: OR-7 Colour Sergeant OR-1 and OR-2 Marine (22) Regimental Corporal Major in the Household Cavalry. (23) Squadron Corporal Major in the Household Cavalry. (24) In various corps, titles given may be: Squadron Quarter-Master Corporal, Colour Sergeant, Squadron/Battery/Company Quarter-Master-Sergeant (25) Corporal of Horse in the Household Cavalry. (26) OR-6 is a sergeant with three years seniority. (27) Bombardier in the Royal Artillery. (28) Lance-Bombardier in the Royal Artillery. (29) There exists the following titles which are equivalent for Private in various arms of the Service: Trooper, Gunner, Sapper, Signalman, Driver, Guardsman, Fusilier, Rifleman, Ranger and Craftsman. US - (30) At the OR-9 level, other grades of rank are Sergeant Major of the Army and Command Sergeant Major. The individual designated as Sergeant Major of the Army takes precedence over all Command Sergeants Major and Sergeants Major. Command Sergeants Major take precedence over Sergeants Major. (31) At the OR-8 level, another grade of rank is First Sergeant. First Sergeants take precedence over Master Sergeants. (32) At the OR-7 level, the other grades of rank is Platoon Sergeant. Platoon Sergeants and Sergeants First Class have equal precedence. (33) At the OR-4 level, another grade of rank is Specialist. Corporal have precedence over Specialists.
National Reference: a. Loi du 27 décembre 1961 portant statut des sous-officiers du cadre actif des forces terrestre, navale, aérienne et navale et du service médical. b. Loi du 12 juillet 1973 portant statut des volontaires du cadre de carriére des forces terrestre, aérienne et navale et du service médical.
National Reference: National Defence Act - Section 21
Notes (1) The Navy of Canada is referred to as the "Sea Element" of the Canadian Forces. The ranks shown on this table are used on duty only but not for record purposes. (Same ranks for all three Elements). (2) The Air Force of Canada is referred to as the "Air Element" of the Canadian Forces. (3) Sergeants with less than three years seniority are considered OR-5.
National Reference: Law No. 325 of 28.4.1994
Notes * No equivalent (1) OR-9 to OR-4 are non-commissioned officers. (2) OR-3 Flyverspecialist frequently substitutes a korporal.
National Reference: Loi 75100 du 30 octobre 1975, modifiJe.
Notes * No equivalent. (1) Considered officially as non-officer personnel, the rank of "ASPIRANT" (Reserve Officer Candidate) is placed between those of OR-9 and OF-1. Aspirants are entitled, however, to the same prerogatives as officers.
National Reference: Anordnung des Bundespräsidenten über die Dienstgrad- bezeichnungen und die Uniform der Soldaten, vom 22/02/96
Notes (1) There exist three grades of officer-candidates which have the following equivalents: OR-8/OR-7 Oberfähnrich zur See OR-6 Fähnrich zur See OR-5 Seekadett (2) There exist three grades of officer-candidates which have the following equivalents: OR-8/OR-7 Oberfähnrich OR-6 Fähnrich OR-5 Fahnenjunker
National Reference: A.R. 20-1, 3.70
Notes * No equivalent (1) Equivalent rank of Army Nurse Corps: Anthypaspistis Adelphi Nossokomos
al Reference: Legge 31.7.54, n. 599.
Notes ˇ No equivalent.
Nation : LA - LATVIA
National Reference: Koninklijk Besluit van 20 juni 1956, nr 35 (Staatsblad 361).
National Reference: st prp 141 1973/74 KtF Avd I 21 Sep 1977
Notes * No equivalent. (1) Sersjants and Kvartermester are national ranks held by officer candidates during their period of duty. (2) A Grenader/Matros is subordinate to sersjant/kvartermester. Enlisted for min. 3 years, given education as specialist. A Grenader/Matros qualifies as OR-5 only when required during NATO service abroad. (3) A Korporal/Ledende Menig could qualify as OR-5.
National Reference: Decreto-Lei 891/76, 30th November 1976 Decreto-Lei 732/76, 15th October 1976
National Reference:
Notes (1) Cabo 1 with more than three (3) years of military services. (2) Cabo 1 with less than three (3) years of military services (3) Cabo and Soldado are servicemen from the annual recruit, id est, they are inducted to comply with the military compulsory service.
Notes * No equivalent.
National Reference: Queen's Regulations (QRs) Royal Navy QR J 0381 Army QR J 2.042 Royal Air Force QR J 126
Notes * No equivalent. (1) NCOs in the United Kingdom Armed Forces are called senior non-commissioned officers in OR-5 to 9 inclusive and junior non-commissioned officers in OR-3 and 4. (2) The special position of Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service (QARNNS) is in Table A below. (3) In various corps, titles given may be different from the basic military titles but personnel are of equivalent rank, for example: a. Household Cavalry OR-9 Regimental Corporal Major OR-8 Squadron Corporal Major OR-7 Corporal of Horse b. Artillery OR-4 Bombardier OR-3 Lance Bombardier OR-2 Gunner c. Other Corps 1. The following titles are also in use: Squadron Quartermaster, Corporal, Colour Sergeant, Squadron/Battery/ Company Quartermaster Sergeant 2. OR-1 and OR-2. Trooper, Sapper, Signalman, Guardsmen, Fusilier, Kingsman, Rifleman, Ranger, Driver, Craftsman, etc. d. Aircrew. Master Aircrew is a generic title which embraces all Warrant Officer aircrew ranks vis: Master Engineer, Master Air Electronics Operator, Master Air Loadmaster, Master Signaller. (4) In performance of their duties nursing personnel and members of QARNNS, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) and Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service (PMRAFNS) use the professional title of nurse, staff nurse, etc., within the clinical environment. (5) It is emphasized that the UK will appoint Sergeants or Corporals to OR-5 posts, to meet the requirements set out in the job description concerned, in accordance with paragraph 8 of the STANAG. Table A
Notes (contd) (5) RGN - Registered General Nurse EN(G) - Enrolled Nurse (General) (6) Charge Chief Artificer may be regarded as equivalent to the NATO grade of OR-8, for complementing purposes. Charge Chiefs are substantive CPO's, who receive enhanced rates of pay and wear an appropriate badge to denote their skill level. OR-8 equivalence does NOT confer WO2 status.
National Reference: Title 10, U.S. Code.
Notes (1) Although the US Marine Corps is part of the US Navy, ranks correspond with those of the US Army, except for the following: OR-9 Sergeant Major/Master Gunnery Sergeant/Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps OR-8 Master Sergeant/First Sergeant OR-7 Gunnery Sergeant OR-3 Lance Corporal (2) Each of the US Forces has a senior individual at the OR-9 level who cannot be considered for NATO position coding purposes. This individual is designated as follows: ARMY : Sergeant Major of the Army NAVY : Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy MARINE CORPS : Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps AIR FORCE : Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force